Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Happy 8th Birthday Maddy!!!

On the 19th Maddy celebrated her 8th birthday. I can't believe my little girl is 8. I still think of her as the 2 year old who couldn't sleep without watching Cinderella 3 times in a row. Now she would much prefer to read a book (she's starting the Twilight series now) than watch a movie. It amazes me everyday how fast she grows. If you didn't know our family you would comment how much like me she is. I guess when it comes to nature vs. nurture, nurture wins in our house.

She had a great time bouncing in the bounce house and playing with her friends. Her Papa and Nana camped all weekend and let her and Dee stay in their camper with them.

Each night we had a bonfire and roasted marshmellows and the kids got to stay up late. On Sunday we took the girls to the Rock City Park in Olean. After hiking we got to get ice cream. All in all she had a really good weekend.

I still can't believe my baby's 8.

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