Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Cabin Fever = Spring Cleaning & Seeds...

I have had serious cabin fever as of late. Weeks of sub freezing temperature and children bouncing off the walls can make anyone stir crazy.

So I've been spring cleaning whenever my kids allow it. I love the smell of Murphy's Oil Soap, but I am looking to find an ecologically friendly replacement.

I also have been buying seeds with my spare money and getting a plan together for my garden. I am back to trying to lose weight to hopefully conceive our next child and it is much easier for me to eat fresh fruits and veggies if they are fresh from my garden.

Oh Spring, where are you?

Monday, January 18, 2010

It's been awhile...

With the holidays and all the stuff a single parent must do, I've been away for much too long. With the warmer temperatures and a small break in crazyness comes a new post.

It was unseasonably cold for a few weeks. That meant very short trips outside that took much more time to get bundled up for than we spent outside. I also lost 1 turkey and a few of the younger chickens to the cold. While sad, it was to be expected.

We had a nice Christmas with Jay being home for about 3 days for the holidays. I'm sure he would've liked to be here longer than that but oh well it comes with his job.

Amidst all this crazyness I've been trying to accustom Bean to the potty. We have gotten her used to sitting on it but we have only had one success so far. She is only 23 months old so I'm not pushing it, but it sure would be nice to have her out of diapers by summer.