Monday, March 1, 2010

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

It's Monday again. I have to say I really like this meme, it is motivating me to read more and also opening up my eyes to books I probably wouldn't have given a second look at.

Right now I'm about 80% of the way through "Under the Dome". Hopefully I should be done with it by Wednesday.

Next up is "Guilty Pleasures" the first book in the Anita Blake series by Laurell K. Hamilton. My sister is in the middle of this series and says it's right up my alley.

I hope everyone has a great week and happy reading!!!


  1. How are you liking Under the Dome? Have a great reading week!

  2. I thought Under the Dome was great! It's size was a little intimidating to say the least! I've had that first Anita Blake on my list forever. I need to get to it sometime. Enjoy your books this week!

  3. Oh, I really must read Under the Dome. It's been ages since I've read Stephen King.

    Have a great reading week!

    Great blog header!

  4. Have a wonderful week reading. My Monday:

  5. I've got both those books on my TBR list. Hope you have a good reading week :)

  6. Under the Dome is a biiiiig book. It's interesting - I just wish he hadn't been so political in it. =(

    Here is my Monday:

  7. These sound like they are right up my alley! Thanks for telling us about them:)

  8. I can't wait to read you review on Under The Dome. It's a big one-I think I'll have to wait until vacation time to tackle that one!
